
Congresso Europeu de Bem-Estar Animal e Medicina Comportamental começa esta semana

Congresso Europeu de Bem Estar Animal e Medicina Comportamental Veterinária Atual

Realiza-se nos dias 20, 21 e 22 de outubro, no Teatro Gil Vicente em Cascais, mais uma edição do Congresso Europeu de Bem-Estar Animal e Medicina Comportamental.

Uma iniciativa das organizações European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM), Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association (AWSELVA), European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology (ESVCE) e da portuguesa PsiAnimal, este evento tem como objetivo discutir temas das áreas de bem-estar animal, ética e medicina comportamental animal.

Destaque para a abordagem de temas como:

  • Collaborative development of positive welfare indicators in dairy cattle and sheep;
  • Ethical veterinary interventions: values and a good animal life;
  • Animal ethics and perception of animal pain in 1st and 3rd year veterinary students;
  • Keynote talk: Positive experiences for animals – the ultimate aim?
  • Will the EU manage to phase out the surgical castration of pigs by 2018?
  • Animal welfare, the Five Freedoms and the Good Life Scale;
  • The culture of care for laboratory rodents in Germany with a focus on refinement: lessons learnt and recommendations to improve practice;
  • Mobile abattoirs as a means to reduce stress in slaughter cattle;
  • Animal-based measurements in the chicken meat production – Health and well-being of broilers kept under an alternative rearing concept;
  • Stress of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in industrial production: a review of causes, consequences and assessment;
  • Heart rate variability in Nooitgedacht pony mares during transrectal palpation of the reproductive tract by veterinary students;
  • Assessing the emotional state of dairy calves and young stock.

Saiba tudo sobre o evento em http://econgressawbm-2016.pt/

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