Tem estado a decorrer em Lisboa a reunião anual do European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) , evento que todos os anos recebe vários especialistas em medicina e cirurgia veterinária.
A realizar-se no Centro Cultural de Belém, o último dia do evento irá contmplar a discussão de temas como:
- Tendon pathophysiology: Current knowledge and future clinical therapies;
- Achilles tendo rupture: what have we learnt so far?
- How can I manage carpal hyperextension injuries?
- Collateral ligament – repair or not?
- Pathophysiology of ligament degeneration, targets for future therapy?
- Evidence base for therapeutic laser use in veterinary medicine;
- Use of therapeutic laser use in veterinary medicine;
- Use of therapeutic lasers in soft tissue surgery cases;
- Stem cells and ligament repair: Translational aspects in dogs and humans.
Consulte o programa completo aqui.